Elected Officers

Tekeshia Allen
[email protected]

Executive director
ava c. wellons [email protected]

V President - Army
Moses Robinson
[email protected]

V President - Air
Robert Bowie,
[email protected]
Meeting Minutes
Meetings begin at 1800/6:00 PM unless otherwise noted. All monthly meetings will be held at JBAB (Bolling AFB Club)

Meeting called to order 18:11.
Attendees: LTC Shaw, COL Peart, LTC Ret.Wellons, LTC Wilson, MAJ Kreft, MAJ Cameron
- 1. Committee Reports
a. Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s report is accepted.
b. Treasurer Report: Treasurer’s report accepted.
- 2. Membership Update: Membership report is accepted. Reiterated membership contest for units to increase participation. Discussion regarding increasing membership from 46.3% to 50%.
- 3. Old Business
National Conference: Application needs to be in 7 July
Pin ideas from the enlisted will be Youth Challenge emblem.
LTC Shaw mentions that David and Claire Wherley at the Metro Memorial at Fort Totten.
Discussion…it may be emotional, as long as the family is okay.
Throw-a-ways: Potential…pens, 250 for $150
Company Grades reps: CPT Wong is representing Air. Candidates for 2LT Kelly and 1LT Heru
2015-2016 Calendar: Need to sync with enlisted association. Have date as planning session for executive council with enlisted association or a weekend getaway
Legislative Event: Preston will call the CoS of DC, the time would be in OCT. CG would like for us to do some kind of recognition ceremony in the Wilson builing.
Golf Tournament: Make it a Friday before two day conference in 2016. Same weekend as military ball.
Amendment of Bylaws: Vote to 15 July as a special meeting to amend bylaws. An e-vote or link on website.
Branding: Save for next meeting
Meeting opened at 6:25.
Attendees: Alex Shaw, Raphael Peart, Natasha Taylor Tekeshia Allen, Ava Wellons
1. Committee Reports
a. Secretary Report: Secretary (deploying) not present at the meeting. Report submitted via email. Need a replacement.
b. Treasurer Report: (provided by MAJ Allen) Tekshia Allen discussed the money market account and minimum interest earned to the account: President (MAJ Shaw) made a motion to cancel/close the money market account and transfer to general account. Motion approved by all in favor. Ava requested that Tekeshia ensure funds are used for conferences be accounted for in the conference account. Ava added that credit card charges are posted to the general, so we need to transfer if payments are for conference. MAJ Shaw requested that we investigate the charges for “Global Payment” that has varied charges to the account. MAJ Shaw made a recommendation to meet next month to determine a way ahead and options for these charges. Col Peart proposed a motion to approve the report. Motion approved by all in favor.
2. Membership Update: (provided by Ava Wellons)
She had accessed the program from home but there were so many steps for input (confusing at times). NGAUS President was not pleased with product so far because of the feedback by others. Currently, duplicate input being performed by NGAUS. The generation of magazine portion was not working, should be working NLT 8 March. She is meeting with Bonnie tomorrow to work on membership input. NGAUS requested current user of the program for comparison and provide feedback. Ava requested follow-up to ensure Pay-pal payments from the website are being deposited into our account.
3. Old Business
a. Golf tournament update: (provided by COL Peart) 3 months available (Saturday in July, October, September) Committee: COL Peart, MSgt Hester & CSM Brooks Locations: Langston or East Potomac. Corporate sponsorship; will pursue. Recommend name; NGA-DC XX Annual golf tournament with an annual “commemorating” theme each year; with proceeds going to DCNG Youth programs. Golf tournament committee will discuss and provide recommendations for the name. The Wherleys name was recommended and other themes were suggested.
b. 2014 Conference Update (provided by Ava Wellons) First Committee meeting was held last week. 3 options provided for themes, Round robin with 4 different briefing; still working topics.
c. Scholarship Update (provided by Ava Wellons) Eligibility: must NGA-DC active member in good standing, spouses of active members, or children of active member.
-Scholarship amount; $500 or $1000, MAJ Shaw recommended that we address this topic The award amount at the annual conference.
-Target dates: 30 Jun 14 applications submitted; 31 Jul 14 decisions made for winners.
d. Membership Award
Award trophy to the unit with the highest percentage of active members; more than 1 award may be awarded. MAJ Shaw made a motion to name the award after COL Estelle Cooke-Sampson. Motion approved by all in favor.
e. Conference Award
Award trophy to the unit with the highest attendance at the state conference; Ava made a motion to name the award after Col (ret) Don Edmonds. Motion approved by all in favor.
4. New Business
a. Meeting Agenda;
MAJ Shaw requested that the agenda be sent to the executive committee weekly to provide input to the agenda.
b. NGADC membership services and education; more to follow. Ava was going to speak to Ray Linder about 501c training.
c. Corporate Sponsorship; COL Peart will talk to Shane Doucet about assisting with the project.
d. Legislative Reception;
— Need to determine a date for the next legislative reception. DCNG Birthday – agreed that we team up with the Enlisted Association and purchase the cake. More to follow.
Meeting adjourned at 7:55 pm by the President.
Committee Reports
a. Secretary Report: Secretary (deploying) not present at the meeting. Report submitted via email. Need a replacement.
b. Treasurer Report: (provided by MAJ Allen) Tekshia Allen discussed the money market account and minimum interest earned to the account: President (MAJ Shaw) made a motion to cancel/close the money market account and transfer to general account. Motion approved by all in favor. Ava requested that Tekeshia ensure funds are used for conferences be accounted for in the conference account. Ava added that credit card charges are posted to the general, so we need to transfer if payments are for conference. MAJ Shaw requested that we investigate the charges for “Global Payment” that has varied charges to the account. MAJ Shaw made a recommendation to meet next month to determine a way ahead and options for these charges. Col Peart proposed a motion to approve the report. Motion approved by all in favor.
2. Membership Update: (provided by Ava Wellons)
She had accessed the program from home but there were so many steps for input (confusing at times). NGAUS President was not pleased with product so far because of the feedback by others. Currently, duplicate input being performed by NGAUS. The generation of magazine portion was not working, should be working NLT 8 March. She is meeting with Bonnie tomorrow to work on membership input. NGAUS requested current user of the program for comparison and provide feedback. Ava requested follow-up to ensure Pay-pal payments from the website are being deposited into our account.
3. Old Business
a. Golf tournament update: (provided by COL Peart) 3 months available (Saturday in July, October, September) Committee: COL Peart, MSgt Hester & CSM Brooks Locations: Langston or East Potomac. Corporate sponsorship; will pursue. Recommend name; NGA-DC XX Annual golf tournament with an annual “commemorating” theme each year; with proceeds going to DCNG Youth programs. Golf tournament committee will discuss and provide recommendations for the name. The Wherleys name was recommended and other themes were suggested.
b. 2014 Conference Update (provided by Ava Wellons) First Committee meeting was held last week. 3 options provided for themes, Round robin with 4 different briefing; still working topics.
c. Scholarship Update (provided by Ava Wellons) Eligibility: must NGA-DC active member in good standing, spouses of active members, or children of active member.
-Scholarship amount; $500 or $1000, MAJ Shaw recommended that we address this topic The award amount at the annual conference.
-Target dates: 30 Jun 14 applications submitted; 31 Jul 14 decisions made for winners.
d. Membership Award
Award trophy to the unit with the highest percentage of active members; more than 1 award may be awarded. MAJ Shaw made a motion to name the award after COL Estelle Cooke-Sampson. Motion approved by all in favor.
e. Conference Award
Award trophy to the unit with the highest attendance at the state conference; Ava made a motion to name the award after Col (ret) Don Edmonds. Motion approved by all in favor.
4. New Business
1. The President called meeting to order at 6:15pm
a. Attendees: Alex Shaw (phone), Ava Wellons, Tekeshia Allen, Miranda Summers Lowe, Robert Bowie, Sheila Cameron, Natasha Taylor,
b. Secretary’s Report – not available
c. Treasurer’s Report – statement accepted
Budget proposed
d. Membership Update – Switching to automated system for membership. Training for software will need to be held.
2. Old Business
a. Golf Tournament – Raphael Peart and Michael Brooks will be leading the Golf Tournament this year. This was followed by a discussion of the money raised by the tournament and if it justifies the amount of work and planning that goes into it.
b. 2014 Annual Conference (Ocean City, MD) –Dates are set for Carousel Hotel and Condominiums.
3. New Business
a. MWR Funds
Discussion over amount to donate to events such as the Full timers holiday party and military ball. The conversation focused on the audience of each event and what percentage are/could be NGA-DC members. The idea to provide discounted tickets to these events for members was introduced as a way to encourage membership.
4. Meeting adjourned at 7:20pm.
1. The Executive Director started the meeting at 6:20pm. (Due to death of military a member, Alex Shaw had to leave to meet with the family.)
2. Attendees – Raphael Peart, Shela Cameron, Anthony Jackson, Robert Bouie
3. Committee Reports
Secretary Report – unavailable
Treasurer’s Report – unavailable
Membership Update – our current rate was 51% for the conference (13 Delegates). Shela discussed her initiatives – pamphlet tri-fold, MACOM Reps, membership letters, membership cards, etc. The Exec Director sent her the old one and she would incorporate because the amount of info provided. Also, she was going to each Major Command to get a rep to assist with membership. She had picked up cards from Tekeshia Allen for annual and lifetime membership cards.
Old Business
2014 Annual Conference – Ava Wellons discussed extensively the upcoming conference and reviewed the briefing package.
Website update – being updated monthly, need pics from last conference (LTC Taylor).
10 Sep – Reminded everyone of the Honoring Soldiers and Airmen Reception at the NGAUS Building. Robert Bowie asked questions, referenced purpose. Raphael Peart added, questions concerning special guests and awards. Ava Wellons stated she would send email to address their issues and get particulars from Shane Doucet.
(Completed Action: The Exec Director fielded question to Shane Doucet and sent response to council members of both Associations.)
Committee Assignments/Delegates for NGAUS Conference were being done and everything was in place for the conference. (Completed Action – Emailed to all attendees, their assignments and submitted names and number of attendees to President to brief the CG.)
Meeting was adjourned at 7:00pm